“In order to achieve your goals they must align with your core values.”

On today’s Coachcast we review setting our personal goals for 2015.

As we finish our week on setting goals we look at the most important part, our personal goals.


We want to look at the four pillars of our life; Work, Home, Community and Self and determine the step goals that we need to set to build towards our visions.


To move towards our trajectories we need to have a blueprint and set our step goals to reaching our destinations.

[tweetthis]In order to achieve your goals they must align with your core values[/tweetthis]


Look at each pillar and determine what steps we need to take to move our selves closer to our vision every day. For each step we want to create our start goals and implement them.

Look at each pillar and determine what we need to start doing today to get us closer to living our vision. Look at our work vision, what can we start doing today to get closer to what we want. Is it being more efficient? If so then your step goal might be as small as setting a daily routine every morning. Our goal statement for this might be something like; “I will improve my productivity every day by setting a daily routine for each day outlining what I need to accomplish that day; I will start creating this routine every morning before I start anything else and I will do this every day.”

Repeat this process for each area of life so that you have effective action steps that you will take each day to move towards your vision. As the first steps become habits you can introduce the next steps.

Take this approach and make these small improvements every day to make massive shifts over time.

Take-Action Items:

  1. Review your vision for each pillar; Work, Family, Community and Self and determine you first step goals for each area.

  2. Start taking action every day on your step goals


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