Believe fully in what you do and where you want to go.



  1. Thoughts are things, beliefs make them so, and action solidifies the belief (JB Glossinger @
    1. We have goals, trajectories, and wanted accomplishments
    2. We take action to move towards are goals
    3. We can become discouraged if we lose our belief
  2. A secret to success is believing in your goals and taking the necessary action
    1. You have to believe in what you want and the actions you take
      1. Without belief, we stop taking action
    2. A farmer plants a seed in Spring and harvests a crop in Fall – all along he takes action because he  believes that he will reap the harvest
    3. It’s important to constantly build on our belief
  3. How can we solidify our beliefs
    1. Learn and read about other people’s successes
    2. Accept the flow of life, don’t oppose it (Ekhart Tolle – The Power of Now)
    3. Take action to make small steps everyday towards your goals
      1. A 1% improvement every day equals a 3,800% improvement in a year

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