Treat you change proposals like any other sales proposal.


  1. It’s time to submit a change proposal – do it right
    1. Treat the proposal the same as you would a sales proposal
    2. Provide a comprehensive outline and breakdown
    3. No one likes changes so make the process as easy as possible
  2. What should you submit?
    1. A cover letter
      1. Provide a cover letter that outlines the what, why, cost & schedule impact, timing, and alternates
    2. A detailed scope of the changes
      1. Provide a detailed scope explaining all the changes and impacts
    3. A detailed cost breakdown
      1. A detailed list of all deducts and adds
      2. Add the incidentals, don’t lump them into a markup
      3. Include subcontractor and supplier quotes
  3. Going the extra mile
    1. Put the effort in so they understand
    2. There is a psychological benefit
      1. Transparency builds trust and understanding
    3. Take the time to review face to face

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