Stop letting a lack of time keep you from reaching your goals.

With many of the clients I work with, I hear the same struggles with reaching goals – a lack of time.

So how do we overcome this challenge?


  1. Attack your day with purpose
    1. Create a list of tasks to complete each day
    2. Block out time to work on tasks
    3. Avoid time wasters
  2. Delegate tasks
    1. Stop doing things you can have others do – the mundane tasks
    2. Take the plunge and commit the money to pay someone – your time is worth too mush to be sweeping floors
    3. This goes for your employees and team members as well – make sure they are doing tasks that fit their level of expertise
  3. Create more time – yes it is possible
    1. Establish routines – it may only save a few minutes a day but that adds up
    2. Develop processes that eliminate wasted time and routine activities
    3. Utilize technology
      1. Good technology solutions cost money but can save 5 times the cost or more

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