A safe work environment starts with proper training.


Q: We are developing a safety training program. Can you provide some ideas on how to set it up?

A: Develop a curriculum based on a worker’s classification.


  1.  The importance of safety training
    1. Workers can’t be safe if they don’t know how
    2. Let’s people know you care
    3. Builds internal relationships
  2. Set a curriculum
    1. The classes will vary based on the type of work you perform
    2. Each classification of worker faces different hazards
    3. Start with the basics for all and build upon that
      1. Everyone should have OSHA 10-Hour / Supervisors OSHA 40-Hour
  3. How to set up the training
    1. Start with your insurance company – you already pay for it – most insurance carriers have people dedicated to help their clients with safety
    2. There are many online courses that you can sign up for
    3. Talk to your vendors – many offer free training
    4. Keep track of everyone’s efforts – make it fun and share the results

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