Master the arts of follow up and follow through to best your competition.

  1. Following up and following through is an important indicator of how you keep your word
    1. You want people to take you seriously
    2. You want respect
    3. People do pay attention to what you say and promise
  2. Stop the BS
    1. Don’t say you will then no do it
    2. Don’t commit to something then not deliver and not let follow up
    3. Be honest and forthcoming
  3. Create good habits
    1. Don’t give commitments without checking your calendar and thinking it through
    2. Set reminders
    3. When you are going to fail on your promise, call and explain
    4. Just do it or don’t promise it

Key Questions:

  1. Do you follow up properly?

  2. Do you follow through on your promises?

  3. How can you improve?

Take-Action Items:

  1. Stop the BS and be honest

  2. Promise after some consideration

  3. Follow up and follow through


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