Show that invoicing is important on the first invoice submission.

  1. Set the right tone
    1. Start the discussion in the pre-construction meeting
    2. Submit the first invoice early
    3. Triple check your work before submitting
  2. Go step by step
    1. Understand and map each step
    2. Get to know the who/what/when/how of each step
    3. How can you make each person’s job easier?
  3. Refine and repeat
    1. Use this first walkthrough for learning
    2. Make adjustments and refinements to improve
    3. Repeat it every billing cycle with improvements

Taking the time upfront to get the first invoice correct shows your customer that you take this seriously which will give them the right reasons to do the same.


  1. Do you see how doing the first invoice correctly sets a positive tone?

  2. Do you see how this might help your AR process?

  3. Do you have a good process in place?

  4. What changes can you make to improve you processes?

Take-Action Items:

  1. Review your systems

  2. Make improvements and add a first invoice process

  3. Make adjustments


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