“With so much to do and so many distractions we must manage our focus carefully.”

Are you getting the most out of your day?

  1. Only so much we can do
    1. Time is the most valuable resource – period
    2. Manage our’s and our team’s properly
    3. Systems and routines help but the rest is up to us
  2. Work with the limitations
    1. We an only handle so much in a day
    2. Set up focus times – 4 to 5 slots of 45 to 55 minutes to focus on specific tasks
    3. Beat the ODDS – Organize, Do, Delegate, Simplify
      1. Look at what is on your lists and Organize them, decide which ones to Do and Delegate then Simplify them
  3. Be clear & say No
    1. Be clear on your priorities
    2. Teach your teams and let them know the priorities too
    3. Learn to say No
      1. Make sure your team can tell you No as well

We have a lot to do and constant attacks on our efforts so we need to manage our focus to get the most out of each day.

Take-Action Items:

  1. Manage your focus every day

  2. Prioritize your efforts

  3. Learn to say No


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