
E453: Planning And Tracking Project Resources

We know what we want to accomplish this month. Now, what?


  1. The key project resources
    1. Labor/manpower – the tradespeople
    2. Subcontractors
    3. Materials
    4. Equipment
  2. Proper planning leads to success
    1. We set up our anticipated billings for the month – now we determine how we will complete them
    2. What tasks are required to complete the work in our projections
    3. What resources are required to complete each task
  3. Now that we know what we need it’s time to plan, coordinate and track the resources
    1. Each resource has a specific place and time along the timeline of the project
    2. Our job is to coordinate all that so that the project progresses as planned
      1. The 3-week look ahead schedule is a great tool for this
    3. Proper coordination requires monitoring and tracking
      1. If you expect it, inspect it

E341: Ask Coach – Taking On Too Much Work

Taking on too much work can strain our resources and hurt all of our projects.

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