goal review

E607: 2016 Year End Review

How did your sales, marketing, and estimating fair in 2016?


  1. It’s year end review time
    1. Let’s review our performance for 2016
    2. Did we accomplish what we wanted to?
    3. What’s in store for 2017
  2. Take a look back at 2016
    1. Did you have goals set for the year? Did you reach them?
    2. Did you win enough work?
    3. Did you generate the necessary leads?
  3. Where are you headed in 2017
    1. What are your new goals for 2017?
    2. What is your target revenue?
    3. What are the necessary targets to reach that goal?

E489: It’s Mid Year Review Time

It’s the end of the 2nd quarter, time to review the year to date.


  1. Use the middle of the year to re-group
    1. Take a look at your 2016 business goals – dust them off
    2. See how things have developed
    3. How are you doing?
  2. Take a look at your actions
    1. We focus on actions – that’s what  make our goals a reality
    2. Review the action steps you set up in the beginning of the year
    3. Which ones are you still doing? Which ones are you skipping?
  3. Refocus for the second half of the year
    1. Review your vision and trajectories for 2016 and the actions you took
    2. Were your action effective
      1. Which ones are working?
      2. Which ones need improvement? Which ones should you drop?
    3. Review your reasons why

E487: Mid-Year Sales Review

This is the last week of June. What does your scoreboard look like?


  1. We are halfway through the year
    1. It’s halftime, time to review our game plans and execution
    2. Are you on target to meet or exceed your goals?
    3. Have you executed your take-action steps
  2. Take time this week to review
    1. Focus on the actions, not the outcomes
    2. Are you taking the proper actions and executing on your plan
    3. What are the trends that you are seeing
  3. Make the adjustments for the second half – it’s not too late
    1. If you haven’t followed the game plan it’s time to start
    2. If you have let’s review the actions
      1. Which ones are working? Which ones aren’t?
    3. What changes can you make to improve the second half
  4. Create a second half game plan
    1. Update your plans for the actions you will take in the second half
    2. Adjust your goals and trajectories to reflect any changes
    3. Start taking action

E229: Mid-Year Review

We are half way through 2015. Are you on track to hit your goals?

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