“When you get off course don’t let it get you down, recognize this is part of the journey and correct course.”

Today we talk about getting back up after we back slide a little.


We all have times that we get off course. We have interruptions that interfere with our plans and get us side tracked. The key is to correct course.


In order to achieve the level of success we strive for we have to have structure and a routine. We have to stay focused on the road map that we built and keep progressing forward.


First thing to understand is that life happens. Things will interrupt us and change our course. It’s Okay. It’s just part of the journey and our success depends on our correcting course and getting through the storm.

When looking at our interruptions it’s good to understand there are two distinct types, those that we know are going to happen and those that we don’t know about.

The interruptions we know about are easier to deal with. These are things like Holidays, business trips and other things we know about. To handle these and get back on course we can take some planned steps.

  • Plan ahead to get as much done as possible before the interruption
  • Try to keep as much of your routine in tact as you can, even if it’s abbreviated
  • Make plans ahead of time to allow for extra time for catch-up and getting back on track

The harder things to deal with our the ones we didn’t see coming. Those situations where we need to put extra effort on a project, a family emergency and other similar events. We can take some steps to minimize these disruptions as well.

  • Accept the interruption and do not stress over what your are not accomplishing
  • Do your best to keep some of your routine in tact
  • After the storm settles take some time to review the reasons why you do what you do
  • Get excited about the activities again
  • Take action, even if it’s small steps to start

S*** Happens! It’s okay. It happens to all of us. What truly defines the champions is the ability to correct course and get back on track. Just start taking action.

Take-Action Items:

  1. Accept interruptions as part of the journey

  2. Plan for the ones you can

  3. Keep your routines in tact as best you can, even if minimized

  4. Remember the reasons why and start taking action


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