“If you are not failing from time to time, you are failing to reach your true potential.”

In today’s Coachcast we talk about embracing failure and understanding the purpose of the fear of failure.


Human nature causes us to fear making mistakes and failing and it all starts at a young age. We need to understand the purpose of this fear, embrace failure and keep moving forward.


The only way to know the real boundaries is to reach the edge of failure. We learn through failure. To accomplish worthy goals and dreams you need to push the envelope.


The first thing we need to recognize if the value of failure. Failure is how we learn. Every day people push the envelope to failure and learn not only where the limits are today but how to extend those limits. You should look at failure the same way. Understand that failure itself is a learning experience.

So now the you understand the importance of failure let’s look at the importance of the fear of failure. This is a natural reaction that causes us concern. It is our minds way of telling us that we need to prepare. It is not a sign that you should stop, it’s a signal to stop, evaluate and prepare.

So how do we do that?

  1. Make sure it is really a fear of failure you are facing. Sometimes it’s just a lack of confidence.
  2. Recognize the fear you have and be grateful for it.
  3. Do some critical thinking about whatever it is you are afraid of failing at. What are all the potential outcomes.
  4. Create a plan to mitigate any losses and control the failure.

By embracing failure and understanding the fear of failure you can reach for your true potential and accomplish things others only dream of.

Take-Action Items:

  1. Embrace failure as part of life’s journey and a learning mechanism

  2. Recognize the fear of failure as a trigger to plan properly

  3. Plan for failure and control the risk


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