Find the one thing you can focus on every day to move you closer to your goal.


  1. With the new year comes new plans
    1. We review and think about improvements we want to make
    2. We create a list of things we want to improve
    3. We set out in the new year to make changes
  2. Be careful not to over do it
    1. Often we try to take on too much
    2. We make things too complicated
    3. Follow the KISS principle – find the one thing
      1. A salesman: Make 5 additional cold calls per day
      2. Health: Eat one healthy meal per day
      3. Fitness: Exercise every morning for 7 minutes
  3. Learn to focus on one thing
    1. You have goals and action steps for each goal
    2. Review the action steps to find the one thing that you will focus on and complete no matter what
    3. Work on the one thing until it’s routine – like brushing your teeth
    4. Then move onto the next One Thing

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