If you are having scheduling issues deal with them head on.


Q: The Prime Contractor is giving me a hard time about delaying the project. It’s not all my fault. How should I handle this.

A: Protect yourself at all times. Give notice when anything is delaying your progress, no matter how minor it seems.


  1. We try to avoid it, but delays can happen
    1. We plan to avoid them but sometimes things go wrong
    2. Supplier ships the wrong materials or misses a delivery date
    3. Prior sub does something incorrect that causes more work for you
  2. Communication is key, your fault or not – be sure to let everyone know
    1. Let you client know when something will impact the schedule
    2. Don’t be a hero
    3. Indicate possible impacts on all RFIs, Changes, Proposals, etc.
  3. Correct course
    1. If the delay is your fault do what you can to fix it
    2. Keep progress moving forward, work with others to coordinate
    3. Put in the extra effort to correct the schedule

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