The topics of our conversations shape the world around us.


  1. What you talk about shapes the world around you
    1. Self-talk and actual conversations impact your day to day life – what do you talk about?
    2. I see it in companies and teams all the time
      1. Struggling people talk mainly about other people
      2. Thriving people talk mainly about ideas
    3. Which is the cause? The struggle or the talk? – it’s the talk – change your talk, change your world
  2. Conversation topics and the effect
    1. People – when you conversation focus on people the world around you is defensive, down and reserved
    2. Things – when you talk about things your world is stagnant and dependent on outside objects
    3. Ideas – when you focus on ideas the world opens up and is exciting
  3. Learn to shape the conversation around you
    1. It’s like a pyramid with people at the bottom occupying the majority of conversations and ideas at the top only getting a small portion of the conversations
    2. Work to invert the pyramid – make it bigger at the top and focus conversations on ideas
    3. Take time to review your conversations – what do you talk about?
    4. Start shaping the conversations and inverting the pyramid


Check out this amazing book by JB Glossinger – The Sacred 6 –





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