Tell a quick story to explain why you are different than the competition.


  1. The trouble with pitches – and marketing in general
    1. Blah, blah, blah – I wanna talk about me
    2. There is little about the customer and what’s important to them
    3. You are just another contractor among the many
  2. Tell a story to make it memorable
    1. Tell a story to introduce your company and how you make a difference
    2. The basic story goes like this:
      1. You know when you are _Goal_ and you run into __obstacles__? We do __solve the problem__.
    3. An example:
      1. You know when you are remodeling your bathroom and the contractor takes a long time and doesn’t show up for days? ABC contracting does residential construction and solves these problems with fast construction and we offer our no-show guarantee. If we don’t show up and work on your project on a given we deduct $500 off the price.
  3. Create your story
    1. Try different variations and test them on friends
    2. Think about your potential clients when crafting the story – know their pain points
    3. Keep refining and adjusting your story

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