Keep the sales and marketing efforts engage throughout the sales cycle.


  1. It’s not enough to just get the opportunity to bid on a project – keep selling
    1. Don’t just rely on your pricing to get you the job
    2. Keep selling and marketing throughout the process – (but not the hard sell)
    3. Learn what make your customer tick – educate them
  2. Most contractors know to educate clients on the basics
    1. The history and experience of your company
    2. Types of materials and construction recommendations
    3. Payment terms and other contract issues
  3. Take it up a notch – 10X it
    1. First thing you should do is ask your customer about what is important to them
      1. Everyone else will be selling their companies – you will be showing your concern
    2. Ask how you can help – besides just the construction part – how can you make their life easier
    3. Educate them on the whole process
      1. Provide them with tips on how to choose the right contractor
      2. How to make sure they are getting what they want
      3. What’s in the contract and what’s required of them
      4. How you handle things like changes, lien releases, etc.
      5. Last…why choose you

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