Make sure your potential customers know why your qualifications are so important.

  1. Educate your customers
    1. They don’t always know
    2. Don’t leave them asking “So what?”
    3. Explaining this helps ghost your competition
  2. Tell your customers what to look for
    1. Tell them what ot ask the competition
    2. What to look for in others
    3. Experience / financial / bonding / quality / etc.
  3. Offer guidance
    1. “You can choose me or not, I just want you to have good experience.”
    2. Create good leave behinds – checklists and how to info
    3. Recommend other competitors – the good ones
    4. Just don’t bad mouth the competition

Key Questions:

  1. Do you promote your qualifications

  2. Do your clients know what is important and why?

  3. How can you do better?

Take-Action Items:

  1. Review your marketing questions

  2. Ask yourself “So what” to the statements you make

  3. Ediucate

    your customers


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