Do your employees and teams know your company values, mission and culture?

The majority of companies would have to answer no to this question.


  1. the importance of knowing
    1. We talk a lot about culture and values and their importance
    2. If is useless to have key values if no one knows about them
    3. We need a way to share this information
  2. Enter the one-page business manifesto
    1. A single page that give employees a quick understanding of what’s important and how things work
    2. Gives them an insight in how to make decisions
    3. Get’s everyone on the same page
  3. What to include
    1. The top of the page should have a quick bio “Plumbing firm…started in….based in…” etc. then key values
    2. Next provide 10 to 15 one to two sentence statements
      1. We are solutions based contractors and pride ourselves on providing an answer to the challenges in construction like providing a recommendation with all RFIs.
      2. These statements must have meaning and give a clear statement of what you do either in theory or action
    3. Share this manifesto with all of your employees – you can even create a version to share with subcontractors and vendors

Key Questions:

  1. Do your employees know about your company values?

  2. Do they have a consistent message?

  3. Do you share your vision clearly?

  4. How can you do a better job at it?

Take-Action Items:

  1. Put together a one-page business manifesto

  2. Share it with your employees and team members

  3. You can take it a step further by developing one for your projects as well


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