Are you sending mixed signals to your project teams and employees?

Employees and team members have guidance coming from all directions. Is the message congruent from top to bottom?


  1. We ask a lot of our teams in many different ways
    1. Policies, procedures and handbooks
    2. Our company culture and pep-talks
    3. Our direct management interaction
  2. These messages need to be congruent
    1. Things must be consistent from top to bottom
    2. We all should be playing by the same rules – no favorites
    3. Are you setting the right tone for your teams?
  3. It is your responsibility
    1. Walk the talk – your whole organization should walk the talk and it starts with you
    2. Be true to the core of the business and yourself
    3. Sometimes you need to roll up your sleeves

Key Questions:

  1. Is your organization congruent?

  2. Do you lead by example or directive?

  3. Do you send a consistent message? Even in the hard times?

Take-Action Items:

  1. Review your culture / policies & procedures / management for congruency

  2. Lead by example every day


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