What is the most important aspect of managing a successful project?

  1. Key parts of managing a project
    1. Scope / schedule / budget
    2. Planning and reporting
    3. Coordination – a big bucket that encompasses a lot of aspects
  2. Coordination is the glue
    1. Internal / External / on-site coordination
    2. You can have the best scope outline, schedule and budget and still fail without proper coordination
    3. Coordination marries the scope, schedule, budget, planning and reporting
  3. Good coordination
    1. Overcomes a lot of shortcomings
    2. Involves everybody
    3. Set’s a great tone for the project

Key Questions:

  1. Do I put coordination as a priority?

  2. Do we coordinate well on projects?

  3. Do we have good policies and procedures?

  4. How can we improve?

Take-Action Items:

  1. Make coordination a priority

  2. Develop good habits

  3. Create good procedures


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