Share your knowledge on social media to boost your brand’s credibility.

In part 4 of the mini-series, we are going to discuss the first objective which is sharing information. This is the foundation for growing your social media presence.

  1. Develop content and curate
    1. Start a blog / website
    2. Curate other people’s content
    3. Make sure it’s relevant to your target audience
  2. Platforms
    1. Use WordPress for an easy blog platform
    2. Use other SM platforms to tell people about what you write
    3. Make sure the talk matches the platform
  3. Learning – just get started and learn along the way
    1. Don’t worry about who is going to listen – just post
    2. There is plenty that you can share that people want to know – don’t get too worried
    3. Keep at it – this takes time, but people will find you

Sharing knowledge is the foundation of social media and you first step to building a solid following.

Take-Action Items:

  1. Start producing content

  2. Get on SM platforms and start a conversation


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