Are you reaching your goals and objectives or making excuses?

  1. We all have excuses
    1. I don’t have enough time / money
    2. The economy is bad
    3. I can’t find good help
    4. These are all BS, everyone is faced with the same challenges yet some succeed and others don’t
  2. Look in the mirror and drop the BS
    1. Become an observer and listen to the excuses you make – think them through – no real
    2. Dig deeper to understand why not
      1. If you didn’t reach your goals – did you make a plan? did you follow it?
    3. Today, you are exactly where you are supposed to be
  3. Where you go tomorrow dpends on what you do next
    1. Are you going to make excuses or start kicking ass?
    2. The 1% make the hard choices, put in the hard work and expect great results – do you?
    3. Get on the right course and start fighting like you life depends on it – BTW: it does

We can all use a little swift kick in the butt once in a while and I sure needed one today. Save this Coachcast to your favorites on your player and re-visit it when you need a little kick in the pants.

Take-Action Items:

  1. Drop the BullSh##

  2. Start Kicking A##


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