“Do you believe the actions you take will yield the results you want?”

You better!

  1. The struggle
    1. We always struggle with if I do this will it work
    2. We want instant gratification
    3. True success takes time – we have to believe in what we do
  2. Build the belief
    1. It starts inside and in the heart of our companies
    2. Get support – mentors, coaches, friends, colleagues
    3. Make plans and track progress
  3. A good foundation
    1. It all starts with having a good foundation
    2. Make solid plans with targets, trajectories and action steps
    3. Be consistent – stick with it
    4. Set up staged targets so you know you are heading in the right direction
      1. If you were traveling from NY to LA your staged results might be getting to each next state along the way. As long as each state was further West you know you are heading the right way.

Many of us push hard for results each day and want those results immediately but it’s important to realize that sometimes you need to step back and believe in the actions you are taking and know they will work,

Take-Action Items:

  1. Believe in yourself and your business

  2. Make solid plans

  3. Reinforce you belief through mentors, coaches and friends

  4. Track your efforts


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