“Create a great customer service program to avoid misunderstandings and costly disputes.”

Let’s look at your customer service program.


A way for customers to vent or get answers when there is a problem and their immediate contacts are not providing the answers they want.


Many times problems start with just a misunderstanding and escalate from there. Give you clients a way to seek more clarification or possibly a better solution and you may avoid a potential claim and keep that customer.


Give your customers someone to talk to the understands customer service.

  1. Everyone is part of customer service
    1. Train your project teams on how to deal with customer issues
    2. They need to open the door by asking “any issues”
    3. Make sure you provide training for all employees that interact with customers
  2. Where does the customer go next when there is an issue with the immediate team?
    1. Team senior management – make them available
    2. Corporate management – provide proper contact information and encourage it
    3. Consider a third-party for smaller organizations
  3. Things to consider
    1. Train your CS reps on listening and asking questions
    2. Be reassuring – “I will look into it for you” and follow-up
    3. Explain your side carefully and clearly – own your mistakes

Take the time to develop a good customer service program and you can save client relationships and avoid disputes.

Take-Action Items:

  1. Train your teams on customer service

  2. Develop a customer service procedure and team

  3. Provide solutions and feedback


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