“Control life’s outcomes by setting the stage with winning expectations.”

Do you expect to win?


Do you expect to find a parking space near the entrance when you go to the store? Do you expect to win?


Our confidence and attitude have a direct effect on the outcomes.


Winning sports teams go out every season expecting to win. How do they build such confidence?

  1. Prepare to win
    1. Have knowledge
    2. Make a plan
    3. Monitor progress
  2. Exercise your winning muscle
    1. Celebrate victories
    2. Have gratitude
    3. Reflect on past successes
  3. Project your winning ways
    1. Good posture
    2. Positive mindset
    3. Winning can be when others win too – celebrate the winners when you come in second – that’s a true winner

Build your winning attitude and be amazed.

Take-Action Items:

  1. Prepare to win

  2. Exercise your winning muscle

  3. Project your winning ways

  4. Celebrate other’s victories



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