General Business

E379: Working Capital Loans

Working capital can be a struggle. If you need to borrow, make smart choices.


  1. Nothing beats solid planning
    1. Ideally, we can handle our finances organically
      1. Control growth / save where you can / plan properly
      2. Liquidate under-utilized assets
    2. Doesn’t always work out that way and we get into situations where we need some capital
    3. When this happens, sometime we need to turn to debt
  2. Common solutions to working capital loans (from good to bad)
    1. Traditional bank loans and lines of credit
    2. Credit cards
    3. Invoice factoring
    4. Merchant loans
  3. Use debt wisely
    1. Try to go with the best route first
    2. Create a solid plan for your debt
      1. How much / how long / how to pay / don’t get trapped
      2. Best way – figure a percentage of future income to pay the debt and take that percentage off of every payment – even if that means making payments several times a month
    3. Specific concerns based on lending type
      1. LOC / Banks
        1. Not paying the loan back within the year
      2. Factoring
        1. Making up for the lost future revenue
      3. Merchant loans
        1. Keeping cash flow going when money comes out of the account each day and giving up the % of revenues
    4. If you must, create the plan and stick to it.

E374: Great Compensation Packages

Creating great employ benefits extends far beyond the paycheck.


  1. As Elite Contractors we want to
    1. Have the best employees in our niche
    2. Build a great culture that thrives
    3. Have people excited to come to work
  2. Compensation is a major part and it’s not just the pay
    1. Rate of pay plays a large part but not the only thing – after a certain level other things become more important
    2. Health and welfare is an area that plays into the over package as well
    3. Quality of life is a large part – it’s the icing on the cake and the things that make people love working for your organization
  3. Tips on building a great compensation package
    1. Keep your base pay at a decent, above-average level
      1. Add performance bonuses to get peak performance
    2. Have a decent health care plan
      1. Doesn’t need to be the best and employees will be willing to pay if you explain properly
      2. Consider a wellness program
        1. I got one that saves the employee money, gives them great added benefits like 24/7 on-call doctors and saves the company money (let me know if you are interested)
    3. Quality of life
      1. This is where you can really knock it out of the park without breaking the bank
      2. Create a nice work environment – upgrade the vehicles some
      3. Be flexible with people so they can tend to family events
      4. Company morale boosters help get people active
      5. Community involvement

E369: Building An Elite Culture

Motivate your teams by building an elite culture in your organization.


Today we talk about 5 key tips to building an elite culture in your organization.

  1. Give people a purpose
    1. Militaries do a great job of motivating people – why? One key thing – they have a purpose
    2. Wikipedia was created with volunteer writers – why? They joined in the purpose of providing access to knowledge
    3. Make your purpose support your product and create a mission
  2. Recognition and advancement
    1. Give people recognition for their contribution – large or small
    2. Provide for advancement – not just monetary rewards
  3. Educate and coach
    1. Provide people with a way to learn more
    2. Help them in their efforts
  4. Set the example and lead
    1. Be sure you live and breathe your product
    2. Get your management to do the same
  5. Communicate
    1. Communicate everything
    2. People can’t do what they don’t know

E364: Recognize Your Team’s Efforts

Proper recognition goes a long way in building a culture of success.



  1. Employees / team members create our successes
    1. It takes a full effort by everyone involved
    2. The smallest task still adds to the product
      1. Look at Steve Jobs’ attention to packaging at Apple
    3. Everyone is an important part of the whole
  2. Build your culture on recognition
    1. Show you care and give thanks
    2. Recognize everyone’s performance, not just the leader
    3. Thank the teams as a whole as well as the individuals
  3. Good recognition and thanks
    1. It doesn’t take much to have a profound effect
      1. Sometimes it’s just “Thanks for all the hard work and effort.”
    2. Awards, bonuses and recognition are nice but you don’t have to break the bank to be effective
    3. Recognize and thank people in front of their peers – it’s good that everyone sees the appreciation
    4. Be sure to recognize the effort versus the achievement
      1. Achievements are important but don’t let extraordinary effort go unnoticed
        1. Compare 2 project managers on 2 different projects
        2. Manager 1 has a difficult project that may end up losing money. She works extra hard, goes above and beyond and pulls it off without a loss but very little profit.
        3. Manager 2 has a homerun project. He’s got the best subs, easy client and a fat budget. When complete the project doubles profits.
        4. Typically, managers will recognize Manager 2 because there were such great margins. How do you think Manager 1 feels when she sees #2 getting accolades?
        5. I think, Manager 1 is the real winner here. She deserves to be employee of the year.

E349: Managing Cash Flow with Todd Dawalt

Cash flow is a key to a successful company and we must keep it flowing.


Todd Dawalt, the host of the Construction Leading Edge podcast joins us again today to share some tips for managing cash flow.

If you want to learn more about Todd and Construction Leading Edge just head over to the website or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.

E344: Refining Your Market

To dominate our market, we must understand our market and our customers.

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E333: Evaluating Our People and Culture

Let’s take a look at our people and culture as we continue to evaluate our business.

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E332: Let’s Review Our Policies and Procedures

As we continue to evaluate our business model, today we take  a look at our policies and procedures.

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E331: Let’s Look Under The Hood

This week we start a special mini coaching series to help us prepare for 2016.

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E329: Tis The Season For Low Productivity

The Holiday season is quickly approaching, get prepared and avoid a productivity slump.

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