Human Resources

E404: Ask Your Employeess

Don’t miss out on one of the best, untapped resources in your company.

How often do you or one of your senior managers spend time talking and listening to your employees? Not enough.


  1. Your employees know
    1. They know the real values of your company
    2. They know why your competition is kicking your butt
    3. They know why Joe in accounting is so unhappy (and how much he is stealing)
  2. The best, untapped resource – don’t just sit on the well
    1. Engage and ask questions
    2. Be open and listen to the feedback
      1. They are entitled to their opinions and you don’t need to argue with them
      2. Remember perception is reality even if it’s not true
    3. Provide constructive feedback that extends the conversation
  3. A profound effect
    1. Your employees will know you care and they are being heard
    2. They will know they are part of shaping their future
    3. You will gain great insights

E394: The Importance Of Happy Employees

“Look after your staff first and the rest will follow.” – Richard Branson


  1. We are in a service business – like it or not
    1. Customer service is a key to success
    2. Everyone is a sales rep
    3. People prefer working with happy people
    4. All of these are improved with happy employees
  2. Good morale boosts productivity
    1. Studies show happy people are more productive
    2. Happy people will go the extra mile
    3. Happy people will promote and grow your company
  3. Make your employees happy – it’s not that hard
    1. First thing – people need security – they need to know they can provide for themselves and families
    2. Second – employees like to know they can grow with your company
    3. Communication – be open with communication with your employees about the company and give thanks for their efforts
    4. Rally around a cause – people are happier when fighting for a good cause
      1. Build a culture where everyone is working towards a common goal against a common enemy
        1. The common enemy can be things like errors, unhappy clients, poor treatment

E374: Great Compensation Packages

Creating great employ benefits extends far beyond the paycheck.


  1. As Elite Contractors we want to
    1. Have the best employees in our niche
    2. Build a great culture that thrives
    3. Have people excited to come to work
  2. Compensation is a major part and it’s not just the pay
    1. Rate of pay plays a large part but not the only thing – after a certain level other things become more important
    2. Health and welfare is an area that plays into the over package as well
    3. Quality of life is a large part – it’s the icing on the cake and the things that make people love working for your organization
  3. Tips on building a great compensation package
    1. Keep your base pay at a decent, above-average level
      1. Add performance bonuses to get peak performance
    2. Have a decent health care plan
      1. Doesn’t need to be the best and employees will be willing to pay if you explain properly
      2. Consider a wellness program
        1. I got one that saves the employee money, gives them great added benefits like 24/7 on-call doctors and saves the company money (let me know if you are interested)
    3. Quality of life
      1. This is where you can really knock it out of the park without breaking the bank
      2. Create a nice work environment – upgrade the vehicles some
      3. Be flexible with people so they can tend to family events
      4. Company morale boosters help get people active
      5. Community involvement

E369: Building An Elite Culture

Motivate your teams by building an elite culture in your organization.


Today we talk about 5 key tips to building an elite culture in your organization.

  1. Give people a purpose
    1. Militaries do a great job of motivating people – why? One key thing – they have a purpose
    2. Wikipedia was created with volunteer writers – why? They joined in the purpose of providing access to knowledge
    3. Make your purpose support your product and create a mission
  2. Recognition and advancement
    1. Give people recognition for their contribution – large or small
    2. Provide for advancement – not just monetary rewards
  3. Educate and coach
    1. Provide people with a way to learn more
    2. Help them in their efforts
  4. Set the example and lead
    1. Be sure you live and breathe your product
    2. Get your management to do the same
  5. Communicate
    1. Communicate everything
    2. People can’t do what they don’t know

E364: Recognize Your Team’s Efforts

Proper recognition goes a long way in building a culture of success.



  1. Employees / team members create our successes
    1. It takes a full effort by everyone involved
    2. The smallest task still adds to the product
      1. Look at Steve Jobs’ attention to packaging at Apple
    3. Everyone is an important part of the whole
  2. Build your culture on recognition
    1. Show you care and give thanks
    2. Recognize everyone’s performance, not just the leader
    3. Thank the teams as a whole as well as the individuals
  3. Good recognition and thanks
    1. It doesn’t take much to have a profound effect
      1. Sometimes it’s just “Thanks for all the hard work and effort.”
    2. Awards, bonuses and recognition are nice but you don’t have to break the bank to be effective
    3. Recognize and thank people in front of their peers – it’s good that everyone sees the appreciation
    4. Be sure to recognize the effort versus the achievement
      1. Achievements are important but don’t let extraordinary effort go unnoticed
        1. Compare 2 project managers on 2 different projects
        2. Manager 1 has a difficult project that may end up losing money. She works extra hard, goes above and beyond and pulls it off without a loss but very little profit.
        3. Manager 2 has a homerun project. He’s got the best subs, easy client and a fat budget. When complete the project doubles profits.
        4. Typically, managers will recognize Manager 2 because there were such great margins. How do you think Manager 1 feels when she sees #2 getting accolades?
        5. I think, Manager 1 is the real winner here. She deserves to be employee of the year.

E333: Evaluating Our People and Culture

Let’s take a look at our people and culture as we continue to evaluate our business.

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E306: Ask Coach – Hiring New Employees

Promote from within whenever possible to help build and nurture your company culture.

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E299: Employee Evaluations

Are you providing your team members with the feedback they need to be successful?

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E224: Employee Training

Training programs play a huge role in employee morale and retention.

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E214: Employee Information Access

Lack of access to information can mislead employees.

Is your HR information easy to find?

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