
E387: Become A Resource

If you want to win at the social media and content marketing game, become a resource.


Content marketing has one basic goal – build trust with your audience


  1. There are 2 types of content that help with that
    1. Content that provides information about your company
      1. This is the stuff on your website that talks about your company and you
      2. This is content that people look at when researching your firm (not very interesting to others)
      3. This content builds trust based on your experience
    2. Content that builds relationships
      1. This is content that people read and want to share
      2. This is information that your potential clients need to know before they are ever looking for you
      3. This content builds trust based on your knowledge and willingness to educate others
  2. Reach your marketing goals by becoming a resource
    1. Look at the most engaged social media accounts (except celebs) and you will see they all provide information that is relevant to their audience
    2. Your future customers don’t need to know how long you have been in business, they need to know what is the best countertop or how to patch the holes from hanging pictures and missing the studs
    3. If you are  resource people will automatically trust you
  3. How to be a resource
    1. Put your future clients hat on and think about what they need to know
    2. Create content that solves their problems
    3. Share other people’s content that is relevant to you audience

E386: Ask Coach – Speed Up Project Closeout

Project closeout can drag your project down if not handled properly.


Q: Can you give me some ideas on how to speed up the closeout of a project?

A: Allow for it in your original schedule and make it a priority.


  1. Project closeout
    1. The finish of the work
    2. The completion of the punchlist and inspections
    3. Submission of final paperwork
  2. Make closeout a priority
    1. Put closeout in your baseline schedule
      1. Then create a separate schedule when you start closing out
    2. Give closeout as much effort as you do with the planning in the beginning
      1. Start at 50% planning your cloeout
    3. Get a focused team effort
  3. Some things that will help
    1. Create a special schedule for the final bit of work and the closeout
    2. Perform pre-punch mock-ups
      1. Have the client review a finished product and give their feedback
    3. Start collecting the paperwork early


E385: Learn By Reading Books And Magazines

Keep learning and growing by reading books and magazines.


  1. We want to continue to learn
    1. Keep your mind open to learning
    2. Improve your knowledge of things (work and play)
    3. Make a commitment to read more
  2. What it does for us
    1. Keeps our minds sharp
    2. Builds discipline
    3. May learn that next thing
  3. Don’t think you have enough time? Make time
    1. Turn off the TV and read for 30 minutes
    2. Read before going to bed
    3. Order trade magazines in print form and keep them around to skim through when you have a few minutes
    4. Use audio books, app books and hardcopy so that I have many ways to consume books
      1. Audio when driving, walking, etc.
      2. Read on your phone if you are waiting in line
    5. I am usually reading 3 to 5 books at a time

E384: Be Smart When Buying Equipment

Buying equipment is something that can boost our bottom line, but make smart choices.


  1. Capital equipment purchases
    1. Large equipment
    2. Large or specialty tools
    3. Things that we wold typically finance
  2. Make good decisions – ask yourself
    1. Can you rent it – does that make better business sense
    2. Do you really need it
    3. Can you weather the storm
  3. What and how to buy
    1. Decide if you need new or used – there are advantages to both
    2. Decide on how to pay for it
      1. Cash (yeah, that’s a tough one)
      2. Rent or rent to own
      3. Lease
      4. Loan
    3. Buying equipment is great for our business when done for the right reasons

E383: Managing Supplier Payments

Proactively manage your suppliers and the payment process.


  1. Managing suppliers and the payments
    1. Always buy using a Purchase Order
    2. Buy the best terms to fit your needs
      1. Sometimes it’s beneficial to pay a little extra for better terms and service
    3. Set up proper procedures
  2. Control your inventory
    1. Work with your schedule – order what you need
    2. Bill for stored materials if you can
    3. Time your deliveries to stretch the payables
  3. Tracking and communication
    1. As always – communication is key
      1. Let you vendors know how you work with them
      2. Let them know what you want
    2. Track all deliveries at the time of delivery – note any damages, etc.
    3. Let suppliers know what is going on

E382: Stop The Social Media Press Releases

Social media is a great tool for marketing when handled properly.


  1. Social media
    1. It’s great for marketing and very cost effective
    2. Many people miss the purpose though
    3. Do it right and get results
  2. Don’t be that guy – you know the one
    1. At the cocktail party, he’s the one that just wants to tell you how great he is
    2. At the reunion she just wants to tell you about her great business
    3. At the networking event he just wants to tell you to check out his great items he sells
  3. Build relationships
    1. Be a resource
    2. Help people
    3. Say something your potential customers want to here
      1. Remodeling contractor = tell someone how to brighten up their kitchen. choose the right countertops, the right appliances
      2. Retail builder = tell people how to lay out their space, how to place posters and signage for more sales
    4. Be the person people want to talk to and hear from

E381: Ask Coach – Safety Training Programs

A safe work environment starts with proper training.


Q: We are developing a safety training program. Can you provide some ideas on how to set it up?

A: Develop a curriculum based on a worker’s classification.


  1.  The importance of safety training
    1. Workers can’t be safe if they don’t know how
    2. Let’s people know you care
    3. Builds internal relationships
  2. Set a curriculum
    1. The classes will vary based on the type of work you perform
    2. Each classification of worker faces different hazards
    3. Start with the basics for all and build upon that
      1. Everyone should have OSHA 10-Hour / Supervisors OSHA 40-Hour
  3. How to set up the training
    1. Start with your insurance company – you already pay for it – most insurance carriers have people dedicated to help their clients with safety
    2. There are many online courses that you can sign up for
    3. Talk to your vendors – many offer free training
    4. Keep track of everyone’s efforts – make it fun and share the results

E380: Keeping The Belief

When times get tough we start to question what we are doing. Remember to keep believing!


  1. When times get tough
    1. We start questioning what we are doing
    2. Why we are working so hard
    3. What is going wrong
  2. Keep the belief in what you are doing
    1. It’s important to believe in yourself
    2. Don’t let things get you down and tarnish you dreams
    3. Get your confidence back
  3. How to build our belief and keep our confidence high?
    1. Celebrate your actions
      1. Write down what you accomplished each week – the tasks, not the medals
    2. Remember your reasons why
    3. Read, learn and study – work your mind

E379: Working Capital Loans

Working capital can be a struggle. If you need to borrow, make smart choices.


  1. Nothing beats solid planning
    1. Ideally, we can handle our finances organically
      1. Control growth / save where you can / plan properly
      2. Liquidate under-utilized assets
    2. Doesn’t always work out that way and we get into situations where we need some capital
    3. When this happens, sometime we need to turn to debt
  2. Common solutions to working capital loans (from good to bad)
    1. Traditional bank loans and lines of credit
    2. Credit cards
    3. Invoice factoring
    4. Merchant loans
  3. Use debt wisely
    1. Try to go with the best route first
    2. Create a solid plan for your debt
      1. How much / how long / how to pay / don’t get trapped
      2. Best way – figure a percentage of future income to pay the debt and take that percentage off of every payment – even if that means making payments several times a month
    3. Specific concerns based on lending type
      1. LOC / Banks
        1. Not paying the loan back within the year
      2. Factoring
        1. Making up for the lost future revenue
      3. Merchant loans
        1. Keeping cash flow going when money comes out of the account each day and giving up the % of revenues
    4. If you must, create the plan and stick to it.

E378: Managing Subcontractor Payments

Keep control of your projects and cash flow with proper subcontractor payment management.


  1. Avoid the common pitfalls
    1. Don’t rob Peter to pay Paul – pay all bills associated with a project draw when you get paid
    2. Over-payment on work performed
    3. Sub-tier sub and supplier non-payment – collect lien releases
  2. Setting up for success
    1. Every sub must have a subcontract agreement
    2. Make subs create a schedule of values and review it
      1. Match to Owner SOV if possible
    3. Clearly outline your billing procedures
  3. Making it work for everyone
    1. Communication is a key
      1. Make sure everyone understands how you manage payables
    2. Review the SOVs when progress payments are submitted – don’t wait
    3. Pay quickly when you get your money
      1. I prepare everything prior to receiving payment so I can push a button once the money is in my account